Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Well, I have been really busy at my 'job' . They call it that, I call it the scourge of the riding classes, to pervert an Oscar Wilde quote. Well the Turd Burglar is doing pretty great, although he had to give up his big, cushy foaling stall for a warmblood. That's what the Turd Burglar gets for being a mere 15.3h and not having a hydrocephalic head and a big fat ass!

I spent my entire lesson on Monday negotiating 4 lope poles! dear god, is there any hope?

There is a new class of horse kooks, the amateur farriers. These people are crazy, just as crazy as any horse Kook can be. They fill the forums with yapping about angles, contracted heels, barefoot trims, 'methods' of trimming and other such drek.

Now here is the thing, I don't know jack about feet, but at least I admit this. Farrier schools aren't like check cashing places, I don't think they are on every corner, so where are all these multitudes of people (who have HOURS to spend on the web dispensing advise) learning all this stuff? Do they follow their farrier around? Can you imagine that poor bastard's day? Some yahoo posts a picture of their backyard horse's feet and it is off to the races for these hoof enthusiasts.

The strangest thing I have read lately is a hoofie (that is what I will call them from now on) asking a poster why she has shoes on her 3 year old at all? I didn't know being young ment you could automatically go shoe free! when are shoes manditory then? 16? 25? Hoofies are very worried about everyone else's horses hooves, because they are pretty sure YOUR horses are suffering silently from whatever YOUR shitty farrier is doing to them. Oi Vey! really? so having a big, freaking expensive horse isn't enough of a hobby? you have to have a horsie MICRO-hobby? How about you come clean my house instead, that would get you off the bulletin boards and away from your long-suffering farrier and get the tumbleweeds of elkhound fur out from under my couch! Its a Win-Win!


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