Today I kind of a mixed bag, I picked up some pictures on the internet that kind of made me puke in my mouth a little bit so here they are:

This is part of some of the stupid things that happen at paso fino shows, two hospital orderlies try to stuff the idiot horse into a padded cell? Thats what it looks like, doesn't it? Well in actuality it is some sort of combo "driving" and "in hand" class. There is some nonsense about steering or something, I think it is some sort of reinactment of the great milk cart shortage of 1925, when the brave milkmen had to walk behind their cart horses to deliver the dairy products.
This is under the "I knew it!!!!" category, in that that crazy paso fino show on RFDTV yaps on about how comfy and quiet the pasos are and how old farts find them really comfy and safe, blah, blah, blah. Well here is my proof: HA!

Chew on that image, Agnes! not so quiet now, are we? I think it is confirmed, Paso's are trying to kill our senior citizens! Poor, unsuspecting grandmas, pop-pops and GiGis.
Here is one that just baffles me, why, for the love of all that is holy, would someone want to sit on a horse like this, in an outfit like this?

This may very well be the femmy-ist thing on the internet. This runs a close second:

Finally, here is "orderlies in High-Waters" non-pro class champion of the Paso Fino World show, enjoy:

One, post script, and then I promise I will stop, wouldn't these chaps actually attract rattlesnakes to jump in your pants and kill you? Is this yet another diabolical plot to rid the world of horse loving seniors? Diabolical, indeed.

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