Today's topic is a "companion piece" to yesterday's (Thanks R.!)it is about "Field of Dreams" thinking but what that really means is "if you throw money at it, it doesn't mean you don't suck" Yes, gentle readers, sometimes even money doesn't make you any good. See, you actually really do have to learn to ride, crazy huh? "Where ever you go, there you are" Wise words in this circumstance, if you are flopping around and cant ride, you look like a sack of crap in a $2000 outfit and an expensive saddle that can't ride, now I suppose one could argue that this is better than looking like a sack of crap in a wet-look fuscia shirt and a Tucker saddle, but I am not so sure.
I am talking about the ones who pay more attention to the "big picture" and forget the details, like, I don't know, equitating, no-stirrup work and crazy stuff like that. These people usually have an entourage, little toadies who don't have as much money, but are happy to sniff around for scraps. They are so easy to make happy, all you need to do is tell them how rich they are, they honestly love this. Anyone else with half a brain would realize that you are blowing smoke up their ass, but people like this eat this shit UP!!!
I think that these are the kids (and I think that this is a problem for youth exhibitors more than ammies, but I could be wrong) who people call "show divas" you find them in all diciplines. They look really intimidating and competitive, but when you actually really look at them, they kind of suck. They don't really do that well, they may have boatloads of points but they get them by hauling to less competitive shows. When the real competition rolls in, they get creamed. Buy all the magazine ads you want, chica, you still can't make a cut at Congress or even a place at a decent weekend show!
What cracks me up about these people is because they are so full of shit, they believe whatever any snake-oil salesmen tells them. They are magnetically drawn to the biggest bullshitter in the room. "Come to my barn, you are so rich - I mean TALENTED - I have the perfect horse for you, it has a ga-gillion points, -never mind the lameness, the scars from tail injections - I love this horse so much for you, never mind that I have been trying to off load it on some idiot for months - YOU are the special idiot that can take this horse to the top, look deeeeeeeep into my eyes... while I stroke your ego and pick your pocket" whoops, still can't place! ouchie!
None of this would be any of my business if they weren't nasty little bitches, and sneaky stealers (you know who you are - give me my key a-hole!).
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