The crash course in trail continues, I am officially dubious about our chances of success at the March show. My only chance is if the Burglar realizes that going as fast as you can is not the point of trail. I swear that the TB was a thoroughbred in a former life, oh, that's right he isn't stupid or crazy, so that couldn't be it! Trail makes our brainz smoke a little, but such a good boy!
It has been a whole two days and no one on the internet has called me an idiot, troll or a bitch, I feel kinda lonely.... Oh well I am sure I can piss someone off enough before the weekend. Apparently there are not that many people who find me funny, this is a little baffling to me because I am pretty sure I am hilarious, all my friends think so, and my mom does too. Doesn't that make it true?
Today I feel like emptying my mind of various opinions so here we go.
Can winter die already? really, and I like winter, I like it because I get to wear enough clothes to cover my fat and not be hot, but even I am getting sick of it. I hate when it is too cold to ride, which has happened way too many times this winter. Now the Burglar has to wear PJ's when I ride, and sometimes he forgets he has them on and scares himself when he turns a corner. This is not fair to the Burglar. Also it has to get warm so I can take off his hood before his entire mane and forlock rub out, the last thing I want is my sister and trainer to be able to tell me they told me so! It is a race against the clock at this point.

This brings me to "saddle fit" why do hunter/jumpers and all english people have an obsession with saddle fit. "my horse rears" - must be saddle fit. "My horse bucks" - saddle fit. " My horse is retarded" - call the chiropracter and check your saddle fit. What kind of sissy horses do you people ride? I know they are always crippled but that is because you JUMP them over 11' jumps! not because their saddle doesn't fit. Hunter/jumpers LOVE to yap about how they never start a horse before it is like, 30 years old, thats the only way to get a normal useable lifespan out of those broken down OTTB POS's. Example at left, do YOU think this is a saddle fit issue?

Because god is merciful, I have no interaction with the actual people who do hunter/jumpers. I can only assume that I wont like them very much because I am sure that they probably hate stockhorses and it might turn into a Sharks vs. Jets rumble in which my gang wins.
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