Oh joy, It appears that I have COMPLETELY pissed off everyone on the Fugly Horse of the Day blog, they told me to that nobody likes me and that I should go away. So I did. I am completely unable to behave myself on the horse bulletin board sites, mostly because there is some really, really huge butt nuts on them and I manage to always piss them off.
Funny thing is, I posted what I consider a very amusing blog about hunter under saddle yesterday morning, completely unaware of the poo-storm I would fan on Fugly.
Anyway, so last night was the dreaded HUS clinic, managed to do O.K. the Burglar likes HUS because he gets to run, and run, and run Weeeeeee! What a very bad Burglar. He is eeeee-vil, this is his diabolical and cunning plan. I have to ride huntseat every so often so I can pretend that I may show in it one day, and my trainer can pretend she believes me. The Burglar knows this, because of his amazing powers of reasoning, and all of his PhDs. So, the Burglar is slowly poisoning me my making me build up so much lactic acid, that my liver shuts down and I drop dead. It's like the Da Vinci code in its complexity, but it is, none the less, a very cunning plan...
My darling husband, has been ordered, as his special Valentines day gift, to go to UPS and pick up my saddle, because UPS thinks that the roads we live on are too dangerous to negociate. Do they not know the importance of this magical talisman? I must have it today or I will drop dead, it is that serious. Ugh, I am spent.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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I am completely unable to behave myself on the horse bulletin board sites, mostly because there is some really, really huge butt nuts on them and I manage to always piss them off.
Gee, have you ever considered that YOU are the common denominator here? That generally means you're the problem :-D
Oh! You're the trail champion!
Since I stopped posting on fugly sometime yesterday afternoon, I must have made quite an impression on you. Welcome, enjoy my awesomeness.
No, actually. You're confused. That's not me. That is the person you spent the greater part yesterday and the day before arguing with (whose name I don't remember...austriancurls, I believe?). I think I addressed you once, maybe twice over there. Put your glasses on and get your story straight. As for this "awesomeness" you speak of, I can only laugh and congratulate you on being so proud of yourself, because with your shitty, self-congratulatory attitude, I can't see how anyone else could be :)
Hey where can I get a SWEET brest collar like that? It will go great with my tall boots that are to short and grey breeches....Hmmm come to think if it if I looked liked that I am SURE that I could call myself an authority on all things breed show realated and even (gasp) charge for it. Then I could be a "trainer"
your are right whistlin, I stand corrected -get glasses- what a zinger! Whew, I am out-matched on my own site!
Um o.k. you are here, what do you want?
BTW that is a sweet-ass pair of breeches you are sporting, goes well with your strappy velvet hat.
Oh shit! I just saw your profile (wow that zinger about my glasses really has helped) you do list yourself as a trainer, that is some hilarious shit. Yeah all the trainers I know spend a lot of time cyberstalking people. You must not be a very busy trainer?
LOL exes...you have a fan club. I am so jealous! I want the holier-than-thous to worship ME, not you! I guess I wasn't forceful enough with my opinions...I just get so turned off by the high-and-mighty attitudes from the most close-minded people on earth. I could say more....but I will refrain!
(from Rabbit - who cannot log in for some reason)
Thank you Rabbit! I don't think you have it in you to be nasty enough! (this is a good thing, believe me- whew what a burden I have! LOL) I don't know why you cant log in, It makes me go through hoops to post comments on my own site, (I never dun haid no commentz b4!)
I didn't claim to be a professional trainer, exes or "anonymous", so get off it. The owners where I keep my old-timer are kind enough to let me ride 1-2 of their green horses at a time until it/they is/are finished and/or sold. I don't do it for money, it isn't my full-time job (and yes, I do have one), and I don't do it to impress anyone, least of all you.
I'm also not stalking anyone. A simple click of your profile, exes, lists this as your blog, so out of curiosity I stumbled in to see if you had anything intelligent to say (outside what you'd posted on fugly). I'm not finding anything intelligent here at all.
Oh and if you're going to be immature and play the appearance card, then lose the pastel green suit (hello, '70s?) and get acquainted with a little thing called a treadmill, bitch.
Get the fuck over yourselves. I'm so done wasting my time here.
Really, why are you still coming here? this was like 3 posts ago, no one cares about this post anymore, except you, apparently. I make no claims not to be a fat ass, (or to be a "trainer" for that matter). Really don't you have ANYTHING else to do? nothing at all? that is really so sad. Why don't you go back on fugly and throw around "asshat" and "fucktard". Really of all the people to hassle you are bothering with ME? Look as far as you know I am a fat nobody in an ugly green suit, what is the fascination? Why are you letting me upset you so much that you come back and post here after DAYS of the issue being over, It is kind of sad.
Oh I know now you can come back and say "your the one that is sad" and I will say "why are you still here?" and you won't answer and come back with something really sad and unfunny and we will go back and forth blah blah blah> If it will help you stop stalking me I will concede, your razor sharp tongue is no match for mine, I bow down before your superior wit. There NOW will you go away?
I don't get it: someone reads your blog and you're upset? If you don't want comments or criticisms, good or bad, don't put your (childish) opinons out in public space. It's also pretty impressive that you think so highly of yourself that you would be "stalked."
Come on - truth is that you made of fool of yourself on another very public blog, and you have a link to your blog in your profile. I am sure that whistlin dixie was not the first person to come to your blog and check it out out of sheer curiosity. Why do you think I am here?? Not for the educational value, that's for sure. I wanted to see what someone who is such an antogonist could possibly have to say. I've read your posts, and from what I can tell, you are contradictory of yourself nearly 100% of the time ("stupid 4H tack sale, yet I go each year for 5 years").
I am done with my rant and done visiting your opinons. I won't be posting again because I wouldn't want to be accused of being a "stalker." Have a nice life.
The only one who seems upset on my board is "you" and "whisting dixie" I am having a great time because I still don't understand why you guys are here, but you really are reaching me and the perhaps 3 other people who read this. THAT'S stickin it to me, alright.
I love the fact that all you can pull from my blog is that i hate the 4h tack sale yet I go for 5 years straight. I go because it is too goddamn funny NOT to go!
I promised no education, only amusement, which you seem to have gotten. Why you are posting on a week old post "all of a sudden" is beyond me.
I stand by every goddam thing I said on the other board, and I did mean that you guys can go and circle jerk each other for all I care, I haven't been back since the bitter old uber hag take-over.
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