Aside from being terribly ill today, (o.k. UPS needed a signature for my saddle AND I happen to be terribly ill) not much going on. I am having horrible dreams about the Burglar, last one was that he went all crazy on me and my trainer was sure he was now a horrible puke. I also dreamed that the headstall I brought to show in was a browband headstall it was really ugly and I had to show in it, OH HORROR OF HORRORS! I have been sick, what can I say? I miss riding the Burglar, I even watched RFDTV today, so you know I miss my horse.
RFDTV is great entertainment, but mostly it is pretty boring. If you like hearing Pat Parelli
drone on about what ever it is he drones on about, I suppose it is enthralling. Mostly his show is excruciatingly boring. Clinton Anderson has a cute cowboy butt, however, he needs a new hat, I hate his hat, it looks like a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a white plate. Oh and Clinton must never open his mouth, ever. His voice sours milk and makes crops die in the field. (I have evidence).

What I don't understand is what did all the bitter, horse loving spinsters do before natural horsemanship? I mean did they own horses anyway? Probably, lets face it, their horses aren't much better with Parelli anyway.
The commercials are the best. I saw a commercial for the "no buck" trainer which is some sort of contraption you put on your horses head so he doesn't bronc you off. The best part of the commercial is that the people look like they are having just about as much fun before the "no buck" trainer as they are after the "no buck" trainer - which is none at all. The goober on the commercial is definitely going to be sterile, but that isn't really a bad thing now that I think about it... 

The other commercial I saw was for "road to the horse" which is some sort of colt starting competition. Oy Vey! what a spectacle that looks like! It is some sort of event where a bunch of crabby old bags are led into an arena and whipped into a frenzy by big bouncy balls and ropes-on-a-stick. The natural horsemanship trainers lasso one of the spinsters and attempts to get them to stand on a box and jump over cow colored barrels or something, then they let them loose into the wild to own cats and piss and moan on horse bulletin boards on the internet. I was taking robitussin at the time so I am not so sure about that last part.
The picture shows Pat Parelli with the spinster he lassoed in last years competition, I think she lives on an equestrian community now and condems all the people who ride their horses as abusive.
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