Poor, poor Burglar, the verdict is in, you have been dubbed "not too bright". Well I guess I am not surprised, I actually don't think you are that bright either, but my motto is "I likes ma dogs smart and ma horses dumb!" I mean he is a gelding after all! You are such a cute little punkin though!

Today we tackle the pure evil that is found in the horse world, - mini horses. I bet no one could guess that I LOVE minis!!! I want to collect them like beanie babies and name them things like 'Nutter Butter', 'Shotzy', Jub-Jub, and Clumpy. I would decorate their stalls with puffy hearts made with glitter glue and I would dress them up in bonnets and easter dresses, even if they were boys.

I am going to talk about "showing" them, and making them jump over precious little jumps but I never will. I will let them get horribly fat like little tubs of butter, buttery LOVE, that is!
This one I would call Snickers, and he would be a little bastard.
This one would be Mini Me cause he is a mini and he is goddamn adorable.

There, I have finally admitted my deepest, darkest, blackest secret. I love minis.
Good bye, I have to go perform a cleansing ritual, I will be back to my snobby stock horse best tomorrow.
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