Monday, April 21, 2008
I haven't been riding enough, I can tell you that, the Burglar is thrilled, however. Why is it he is really good when I ride him after time off? He is trying to reward me for not riding him, I know it, too bad, Burglar.
Since it is summer and the students have largely gone home to tan and work at the golf club for the summer, I will have a lot more time to screw around.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I spent my entire lesson on Monday negotiating 4 lope poles! dear god, is there any hope?
There is a new class of horse kooks, the amateur farriers. These people are crazy, just as crazy as any horse Kook can be. They fill the forums with yapping about angles, contracted heels, barefoot trims, 'methods' of trimming and other such drek.
Now here is the thing, I don't know jack about feet, but at least I admit this. Farrier schools aren't like check cashing places, I don't think they are on every corner, so where are all these multitudes of people (who have HOURS to spend on the web dispensing advise) learning all this stuff? Do they follow their farrier around? Can you imagine that poor bastard's day? Some yahoo posts a picture of their backyard horse's feet and it is off to the races for these hoof enthusiasts.
The strangest thing I have read lately is a hoofie (that is what I will call them from now on) asking a poster why she has shoes on her 3 year old at all? I didn't know being young ment you could automatically go shoe free! when are shoes manditory then? 16? 25? Hoofies are very worried about everyone else's horses hooves, because they are pretty sure YOUR horses are suffering silently from whatever YOUR shitty farrier is doing to them. Oi Vey! really? so having a big, freaking expensive horse isn't enough of a hobby? you have to have a horsie MICRO-hobby? How about you come clean my house instead, that would get you off the bulletin boards and away from your long-suffering farrier and get the tumbleweeds of elkhound fur out from under my couch! Its a Win-Win!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not Horse Related, sadly

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Burglars and Bitches
Burglars get tired sometimes, soooo tired.
My deep embarrasment of a rope gate was oh-so-luckily caught on tape by my dear friends at the show, I am most certain I will never live that one down, but it was pretty awesome how badly I screwed it up. I cant think of one thing, besides falling off, I could have done to do the rope gate any "wronger". Good times, good times.
Well let me share with you all some observations about breed shows, especially big, competitive breed shows. Them bitches is good. Really good.
The other thing I noticed is that there was a decided and happy absence of the "long manes" everyone is so sure are making a comeback. Didn't see a damn one, actually. Thank God for being merciful.
Anyone who tells you that you can show breed without a trainer is freaking lying to you. I would have been curled up in a teeeny tiny ball - sniviling, sniviling and wetting, actually. If you are just starting out, you better get a trainer, or else you will end up wetting your pants and going home with dick-squat. Believe me Ammy's or open riders may be able to do it, but if you havent had like 400 years experience, you will be destroyed.
Body shave your horse, better yet, keep it under lights from Oct on, NOT ONE non-yahoo horse had even a hint of a hair coat.
Oh, and when did Novice Amateur mean 22 year olds? Where are all the old bags? I felt like a goddam geriatric case in my class, jealously eyeing the select classes, then thinking "them bitches are good too! Goddammit!"
I also learned that waiting for everyone else to screw up their go isn't the greatest strategy if you would like to place. Cause the bitches do NOT screw up their go's. Bitches. This has caused me to rethink my whole show strategy, cause that has pretty much been my plan up until now.
More is still brewing in my brain.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Unseakable Vice of the Brits & Horses - You're doin' it wrong!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Poor, poor Burglar, the verdict is in, you have been dubbed "not too bright". Well I guess I am not surprised, I actually don't think you are that bright either, but my motto is "I likes ma dogs smart and ma horses dumb!" I mean he is a gelding after all! You are such a cute little punkin though!

Monday, March 10, 2008
I haven't been riding enough, I can tell you that, the Burglar is thrilled, however. Why is it he is really good when I ride him after time off? He is trying to reward me for not riding him, I know it, too bad, Burglar.
The Elephant Burglar and Mind Numbingly Boring Trail Riding

Friday, March 7, 2008
A Friday Limerick and "REAL" Hunters
Who vowed never to finish third
each event was a Race,
alas, never to place
'cause mom treats me like I'm a nerd!
Oh, have I mentioned the clinic on Wednesday? Me. Want. Kill. Burglar. Burglar you are a naughty, naughty horse! How embarrasing is it when poor poor trainer has to get on you, Burglar? HMMM!?! Even the kid who was going to flip his horse over didn't have to get his wonderful, pokey, pokey spurs taken away, not to mention his big, spring-loaded spoon mouth bit? HMMMMM!?!
There is a horrible rumor going around that maybe, just maybe, I need to not be pokin' the Burglar so much with the "happy mommy" spurs. This rumor is followed by the pernicious suggestion that I might, just might, have to do a little Burglar butt smooching during his more spasmodic episodes. Oh TB, if you werent so wonderful, I might hate you.

Big pwittty white sock-ums, blonde, gorgeous, flowing hair. O.K. I forgive you Burglar!
Ok, My topic today is hilarious, it is Fox Hunting (good one right?) This is the funniest thing I have ever seen, but it is even better when people talk about it on the internet. God Damn, this is hilarious! Apparently there is some sort of "caste" system in the hunter/jumper/eventer/dressage/foxhunting world. It is some complex flow chart of who rides the best, who's horses suck and who is keeping it more "real". This is where the Europeans step in to school it ignorant masses and it makes for some of the most entertaining shit on the web. So on a recent bulletin board, some idiot started a post about "hunters" and how much they suck or something. So this snotty little shit comes on whose screen name is "Hunter Princess" (oh, I know, it gets better) starts getting all pissy with the stadium jumping morons, blah blah blah. Most of that was pretty much mind-numbing gas-bagging, when the QUEEN OF ALL GAS BAGS comes on to tell the dam colonists how unauthentic they are. This is her post:
"I agree with the OP. But it's more about the name, then anything. If it wasn't called 'Hunters', I would just ignore it, but to me, it's an insult to a sport that requires a much higher level of riding, ie Hunting. The forward seat is ridiculous, the horses travel flat and slow and manage to drag themselves over minute jumps without the slightest bit of impulsion. It makes me cringe. I very much doubt a rider, or even a horse, that competes solely in Hunter classes could ever Hunt in 'real life', they probably couldn't keep up with the field, and I bet the horse would fall on his nose the moment he was presented with a decent sized hedge. You're looking at drops of more then 6 feet, and great, wide, solid objects to be jumped from a gallop, and that's just a normal day's hunting, not over particularily big country. We have Hunter classes in the UK, too, but solid RID type horses win, and you're expected to jump 4' rustic jumps from a working canter, and display a gallop. These are used to test the ability of REAL HUNTERS. '
What a goddam windbag, Jesus! I did however, laugh my ass off because then all the hunters got all pissy etc. True internet comedy. Apparently, and I did not know this, "real" Eurotrash
hunters are better than stadium jumpers and stadium jumpers are better than A-Circuit hunters but A-Circuit hunters are better than stock horse hunting because, you guessed it, it is stock horse hunters. I would make up a flow chart but I don't care that much.

They do this kind of crap in the U.S. too, but mostly it is confined to, you guessed it, the south. do you really need any more reason to hate it than that? Somewhere in there I am sure

Ta Ta for now!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Ugly Ugly Tack

Monday, March 3, 2008
Trail idiots (that arent the Burglar!) and buyin' -n- sellin'
All of this would be none of my damn business, aside from being pretty funny, if the woman hadn't complained that me and another rider were in the arena during her lesson. WTF? bitch rolls in twice with her trail horse and is preturbed because what? the Burglar was going along so quiet? That he wasn't rearing and striking on the lunge line? That I wasn't jangling around and too loose to canter? hmmmmm. Nice way to make friends, idiot. You want a trail horse, aren't they supposed to be exposed to everything? argh. What a freak.
Anyway, my topic today is on buying and selling a horse. First, the buyers. When you are buying a horse, and I shouldn't have to tell anyone this, make sure you get your trainer's opinion.
Don't have a trainer? that must mean you are a trainer/breeder, right?
If you don't have a trainer or instructor, and you aren't a trainer or instructor, you probably shouldn't be picking your own horse. I am sure plenty of people have picked their own horse, but I am guessing that in 75% of the cases, it was a total disaster. If you don't have a trainer, you are a juicy bone for the pickin', and you WILL be picked clean. Here is a clue for you, vet checks are largely useless especially if you are too cheap to pay for x-rays. Don't bother wasting everyone's time and your money. I trust 2, maybe three vets to do a vet check, the other ones are idiots or kooks, sometimes both, and that is if you are lucky and don't get a totally crooked vet who will fail or pass anything with a heartbeat.
Please people, stop expecting a horse in its 10+ year to vet clean, it isn't going to. That doesn't mean it is crippled, think of doing a vet check on yourself, you wouldn't vet clean either, but would you hold up to daily use? Yeah, you would.
If you come out and ride a horse five times, then watch it being ridden even more and it is sound everytime you have come out, it is probably o.k.. You ain't buying One Hot Krymsun here lady, you are probably getting what you are paying for, if you aren't stupid, that is.
O.K. Sellers, here is my beef with you. If your horse is priced under 10K, it is priced 2K too high. I can say that right off the top of my head. 5 years ago your solid paint, open show quality horse might, (I said might) have been worth $7,000. today, it is worth $4,000 tops. Anything you feel like pricing at $5,000 will get sold at $3,800. Them's the breaks, the depreciation catches up as soon as you reach the limit of what your horse can do.
Then there are the people who are really, truely smoking crack. We had one at my barn, thank god she is gone now. Had a rank-ass mare, 15.3HH on a good day, kinda cute in HUS but really, come on, she was too small and her front end was WAY too noisy for western pleasure. No mind for patterns. No points, finalist in showmanship at congress. (really this means nothing, any horse can do showmanship, come on...) $25K non-negotiable. Well turns out it was negotiable after all, by about $15,000 actually, which is what that puke was probably worth anyway. Not that I would have taken that horse if it was free, yuck!
So, that is about it. EVERYONE has heard that a horse is worth what someone will pay for it, this is one of the few true things a horseperson will tell you.
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
So now I am an idiot.... tell me something I don't know!

Monday, February 25, 2008
Trail Burglars and brainless twits.
Stupid breed # 1: Arabs. I know, I know its so easy, there is so much material. I will try to make

These horses are too small for grown-ups and too stupid for children. Adults really do look like idiots on Arabs, they may as well be ponies, no one over 13 should be allowed to own one. Plus look at all the freekin tack this woman has to use on that thing. yeech. mmmm, nice breeches by the way, lady.
The only thing worse than an arabian doing english is an arabian doing western, ...........
Sorry I had to go throw up. People love to yap about how arabian are great at western and that they can do everything and never run around crazy and act like retards. These are all horrible lies. I just want to point out that while hunter/jumper idiots like to drone about how stock horse huntseat is really "wenglish" or western in english tack, I give you "arab Western pleasure". What kind of horrible mockery of an event is this? These people FLY around the pen jingling and jangling, heads in the air zooming circles around the judges, how is this western pleasure. Sorry to all the stupid breed loons out there, only stock horses should do western. Period. I don't want to hear your arguements, you are wrong. Here, lets compare: This is some sort of "competition" called the Scottsdale Classic, apparently it is a great big deal to arab horse people. Sounds stupid to me.
Now look at this in comparison:

Thursday, February 21, 2008
I must say his mane is looking pretty sweet right now, think old, dirty wig at the bottom of grandma's hope chest. eeew. shudder! It is only about 3 inches long, but it is all scrunchy and matted, blech. He is shedding like a beast though and if I wasn't such a slob, I would be able to find my rubber curry and give him a good going over, hmmm maybe Sunday.
I did a quick internet check to see if I had milked enough humor from "classical riding" and although I am sure it has so much more to offer, I am easily bored, and so, I move on...
Today I am going to talk about barns and barn culture. There are several different types of horse-loving creatures at the barn. Teenagers are always to be found at a barn, they are like barn cats, only more shuffle-y. I like barn teenagers actually, for the most part horsie teens are pretty funny and friendly. Every once and a while a mope will shuffle in and grunt at you while working out their teen angst, but otherwise a pretty amenable bunch. Plus I like to make fun of them in the clinics and they have to respect me because I am old. Ha. Ha. The 18-25 crowd are mostly in college, every once in a blue moon they will shuffle in and visit (notice a distinct pattern of shuffling with the younger set?) It is always good to see them because, lets face it, they are last year's teenagers, only now they don't dress as nice and they shuffle more.
The 25-35 crowd, now here is where you can get into trouble, there are many sub-categories in this age group, some of them pretty scary. the first sub-category is the professionals, that is the breeders, trainers etc, they're cool. Next come the "mommies" this is a group so sad, so forlorn that it makes my heart swell with happiness that I am not them every time they herd Taylor, Sophia, Jake, Tristan and Agamemnon in for their lessons on Sunday with the "weekend instructor" . Mommies are far too busy to make it out during the week, when any real riding is done. So they wake up all bright and sparky on Saturday and drive Aiden, Jaden, Caden, Braden and Hayden out for their quintuple lesson. There are usually a gaggle of mommies (gaggies, is the technical term, FYI) they plunk their big ol' khaki covered butts in folding chairs, cover themselves with blankets and blather the entire time about yoga, soccer, how Tanner and Grayson are doing at Sylvan Learning center and pee wee hockey. this is usually done while the smaller of the gaggies' brood scream and run around the barn trying to "feed the horsies". (is my revulsion coming through O.K?, cause, you know, I could ramp it up....)
The next category comprises me, and all the truly cool clients at the barn (3 of us) it is the respectably under 50 but no longer a "mommy". We have older kids, and now have the time to be truly great, which, you know, we are. Really what more is there to say?
The next group is the 50+ horse owners, you notice I didn't say riders, because there are 2 types of 50+ people at any given barn. The first type are the "select" riders, you can tell this group has been showing since the beginning of time , because their mantra is "it just doesn't matter!" they put their horse in training, because they don't really ride, they have been riding so long that really, what is the point? So they hop on at a show, go in the 50+ or "select" classes, crash around, win and call it good. Don't try to teach them equitation, its not that they don't want to be better riders, its that they just dont really care enough to try to be better riders. My pet name for them is "old bags" , because truly, that is what they are. Rowdy, hilarious old bags.
The second group of 50+ horse owners are the "old hags" I touched on them in the "classical riding" post. These are the sour, bitter dregs of humanity. They are either "dressage" freaks because they are too scared to jump anymore (not that I blame them for that) but still don't really ride. They can also be rabid parelli freaks who need to 'desensitize' poor Jasper before they ever ride him. Jasper must be really, really spooky because it takes them about 5 years to "desensitize" their horses. The old hags can also be women that used to own horses, or their kids owned horses a jillion years ago, if that is the case they usually spend their time sticking their nose into other peoples business to tell them what they are doing wrong. The last 50+ group are the "rescuers" which usually goes about as well as you would expect it to.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Just proving my point...
"After my Nuno Oliveira comments I decided she just wasn't worth wasting finger-typing on anymore. Anyone who starts quoting crap like that to justify their BYBing habits...well, wasted effort.I had a trainer out today, he was kind enough to drive two hours to get here. He works Californian Vaquero style, after the man who introduced western riding into Austria, Jean-Claude Dysli. Sadly, Dysli has just talked him into going to Andalusian. So, that's another trainer gone. It's hard to find classical trainers here.He rode my black stallion while here, was interesting to compare his style with the style of my previous trainer who recently passed away at the age of 47."
Read that again, it really is worth it, what a load of shit. Classical riding, I just threw up in my own mouth. "Californian Vaquero" what the hell is that? Someone sold this Austrian a big smelly load o'goods, can you imagine the Euros she is shelling out? Her "black stallion" (WTF?), Jesus F-ing Christ!
The "masters" that idiot mentioned may be great for all I know, but If I were them I would seek out every moron who utters crap like that quoted above, and beat them to death with my dressage derby or whatever the hell it's called.
Here is another gem from a "classical riding"
"During her adult years, Diana has learned from many talented instructors - each of whom she thanks for giving her one or hundreds of valuable pieces to the "puzzle": Leni Clifford of Dedication Farm, Tom Larson, Bent Jensen, Charles DeKunffy, Stephanie Millham of Catlett, VA, Bill Biggs of California, Mari Zdunic (protege of Chuck Grant) of Michigan, Dr. Sherry Ackerman of California, Wendy Carlson (R) of Maryland and Bettina Drummond of Connecticut."
Cripes! how old are you? 96? what is it with dressage wipes and name-dropping? is it required or something? I am sorry but if you EVER mention the words "classical" and "riding" in the same sentance, I hope you choke on your cumberbund. I think we should close our boarders to fruity eurotrash. They are going to steal all the sneering and snide comments from our fruity Amero-trash dressage wipes.
yuck, I have to go brush the vomit out of my teeth now.
Good Bye!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
STILL pissing off Fuglies (apparently) and "Classical Hags"

Monday, February 18, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Pissin off the fuglies...
Funny thing is, I posted what I consider a very amusing blog about hunter under saddle yesterday morning, completely unaware of the poo-storm I would fan on Fugly.
Anyway, so last night was the dreaded HUS clinic, managed to do O.K. the Burglar likes HUS because he gets to run, and run, and run Weeeeeee! What a very bad Burglar. He is eeeee-vil, this is his diabolical and cunning plan. I have to ride huntseat every so often so I can pretend that I may show in it one day, and my trainer can pretend she believes me. The Burglar knows this, because of his amazing powers of reasoning, and all of his PhDs. So, the Burglar is slowly poisoning me my making me build up so much lactic acid, that my liver shuts down and I drop dead. It's like the Da Vinci code in its complexity, but it is, none the less, a very cunning plan...
My darling husband, has been ordered, as his special Valentines day gift, to go to UPS and pick up my saddle, because UPS thinks that the roads we live on are too dangerous to negociate. Do they not know the importance of this magical talisman? I must have it today or I will drop dead, it is that serious. Ugh, I am spent.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Death of a Turd Burglar and "World Domination"