Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just proving my point...

I pulled this off a comment board, just in case everyone thought I was making up the hot airy-ness of the "classical riding" post:

"After my Nuno Oliveira comments I decided she just wasn't worth wasting finger-typing on anymore. Anyone who starts quoting crap like that to justify their BYBing habits...well, wasted effort.I had a trainer out today, he was kind enough to drive two hours to get here. He works Californian Vaquero style, after the man who introduced western riding into Austria, Jean-Claude Dysli. Sadly, Dysli has just talked him into going to Andalusian. So, that's another trainer gone. It's hard to find classical trainers here.He rode my black stallion while here, was interesting to compare his style with the style of my previous trainer who recently passed away at the age of 47."

Read that again, it really is worth it, what a load of shit. Classical riding, I just threw up in my own mouth. "Californian Vaquero" what the hell is that? Someone sold this Austrian a big smelly load o'goods, can you imagine the Euros she is shelling out? Her "black stallion" (WTF?), Jesus F-ing Christ!

The "masters" that idiot mentioned may be great for all I know, but If I were them I would seek out every moron who utters crap like that quoted above, and beat them to death with my dressage derby or whatever the hell it's called.

Here is another gem from a "classical riding"
"During her adult years, Diana has learned from many talented instructors - each of whom she thanks for giving her one or hundreds of valuable pieces to the "puzzle": Leni Clifford of Dedication Farm, Tom Larson, Bent Jensen, Charles DeKunffy, Stephanie Millham of Catlett, VA, Bill Biggs of California, Mari Zdunic (protege of Chuck Grant) of Michigan, Dr. Sherry Ackerman of California, Wendy Carlson (R) of Maryland and Bettina Drummond of Connecticut."

Cripes! how old are you? 96? what is it with dressage wipes and name-dropping? is it required or something? I am sorry but if you EVER mention the words "classical" and "riding" in the same sentance, I hope you choke on your cumberbund. I think we should close our boarders to fruity eurotrash. They are going to steal all the sneering and snide comments from our fruity Amero-trash dressage wipes.

yuck, I have to go brush the vomit out of my teeth now.
Good Bye!

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